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"I started doing stand-up comedy in high school and continued through college. It was my first full-time job and it's been an incredible ride. Ups and downs and lots of sharp turns." AL D

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June 17-19

Ventura Comedy Club at Ventura Harbor, CA

June 25

Rava Winery, Paso Robles, CA with Tom & Steph Clark and Bernadette Pauley

July 2 & 3

Cosmopolitan Of Las Vegas with Bill Burr for 3 Big Shows!

August 27 - Sept. 17

Celebrity Equinox- San Juan, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, Tortola, Ft. Lauderdale, Key West, Costa Maya, Cozumel

June 5 Secret Speakeasy

The Secret Speakeasy is a moving comedy show in the greater Los Angeles area. The city or town is revealed shortly before the date and the exact location is revealed after tickets are purchased. 

December 3

Private Corporate Show that you cannot see unless I take you as my guest. Need to see a current photo first. HA!

December 25

Merry Christmas!!

Feb 10

Special Valentines Week Shows with Bernadette Pauley - The Coonamessett Inn-Cape Cod, Falmouth Massachusetts

Feb 12, 2022

Laugh Boston Comedy Club
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